Al Iman tannery is one of the largest leather tanning companies in Egypt. The company is producing high quality Crust-leather to be introduced to the local market and also for exporting. The company located in the new leather industrial zone – Elroubeky in Badr city with about 100 workers
Environmental compliance Implemented Options
Replacing traditional old fashion leather tanning drums by one of the state of the art overloading and liming wooden drums, converting the drum construction inside made an essential change including the leather moving way and the float flowing way and the force when the drum is running
Compared with the original case loading capacity has been doubled and the savings of water, chemical materials, energy and resources. And with remarkable improvement of productivity
Environmental and economic benefits:
Environmental benefits:
Investment Cost: 4,285,000L.E.
Economic Returns: 1,050,829L.E per year.
Return Period: 48 months.
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