General Eligibility Criteria of Enterprises
Small and medium enterprises which are members of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) are eligible to apply. ECO’s initial services consist of a technical study of the enterprise in order to asses cleaner production options. Parallel to the technical study runs a credit study with the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) to ensure legal financial status of the enterprise. Project approval will be decided by a Steering Committee and the NBE for final fund distribution.
ECO’s close relationship to the NBE ensures easy access to funds. The fund takes the form of loans provided by the NBE at a very low interest rate of 3.5% per annum. The fund provides financial support for cleaner production technology implementation within selected sectors of the industry. Once investments are implemented, enterprises must repay the amount of the loan from their own resources through installments, either monthly/quarterly or yearly, within a time frame of 5 years. Enterprise contribution and loans given to enterprises vary depending on the total individual investment.
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