The company started working from 1990 and AMS is considered one of the leading companies for manufacturing different leather products competing in the world market with world class shoe, by using good craftsmanship, latest machinery, quality leather, sophistication and lots of untold preparations that ends up with state of art leather products in local and global market.
The company is located in Alexandria with more than 20 outlets inside Egypt.
Environmental compliance Implemented Options
Replacing some manual operations by fully automated production line for leather product manufacturing that reduce the generated leather waste and increase the efficiency of using raw materials and enhance the quality of final products
Environmental and economic benefits:
Environmental benefits:
Decrease the produced leather waste by about 28,416 feet of natural leather/ year.
Investment Cost: 4,000,000L.E.
Economic Returns: 824,640L.E per year.
Return Period: 58 months.
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